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Une ballerine en tutu rouge avec une fleur dans les cheveux danse avec grâce sur scène devant un fond lumineux vert.

Advanced program

DansEncorps' Advanced Dance Program is a unique opportunity for young members of our community to fully immerse themselves in their passion for dance. Within a Francophone environment, this program provides pre-professional training blending various dance techniques and styles (ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip hop). Guided by experienced professionals, the program emphasizes emotional and physical well-being, equipping participants with the tools needed to pursue a career in dance.

Self-discovery, discipline, constant growth... These are the core values guiding our program, divided into three phases of progression. In addition to mastering movements, you will develop essential skills such as leadership, self-confidence, and organization, invaluable assets for shining on stage and in everyday life. Our pedagogical approach pushes the boundaries of innovation in dance, integrating the latest advancements in the field while emphasizing equity, diversity, and inclusion.

The levels

Each stage of the advanced program has a name:

Spécial Spécial (8 years and older)

Spécial Jeune (13 years and older)

Jeune Troupe (15 years and older)

Des étudiants en danse, vêtu de chemises blanches et de cravates rigolotes, se produisent sur scène lors d'une performance théâtrale et dynamique.
Deux danseuses vêtues de pantalons bleus et de chandails des années 70 font un saut synchronisé dans les airs
Un groupe de danseurs en violet et blanc, accroupis et dos au public, avec le bras en l'air. Une danseuse se démarque en faisant face au public.

Every year, new extraordinary opportunities await participants, including performances in theaters, outdoor shows, and even trips abroad.

For instance, in 2024, the Jeune Troupe will travel to Slovenia to shine at the DaCi International Conference, providing an exceptional experience on the global stage.

Join the Program!


Des danseurs de hip-hop en pantalons d'armée et noir et blanc dynamisent la foule lors d'un spectacle ext�érieur au Festival de danse en Atlantique.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

$20 cash only

($30 for 2 auditions)

Program 1 (8 years and older)
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Program 2 (13 years and older)
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Program 3 (15 years and older)
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Join the advanced dance program at DansEncorps, where dance becomes much more than a passion—it becomes a transformative adventure.

Take the first step towards a world of endless possibilities, where your dreams as a dancer come to life under the spotlight of artistic excellence and personal growth.

Deux danseuses en noir et blanc, en pleine action dans leur cours de danse, avec la mention 'Date limite pour postuler : 4 juillet'.

Advanced Training Scholarship

Summer Danse Intensive 2024

This scholarship is intended to reward young dance enthusiasts who stand out for their commitment to dance and aspire to join the DansEncorps School's Advanced Programs for the 2024-2025 season. It allows these promising talents to participate in the DansEncorps intensive summer workshop by covering the participation fees for one full week.

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